• Checks if the given value is an array sorted in either (strictly) ascending or (strictly) descending order.

    This validator will always pass if the given value is an empty array.


    // Ensure the array is sorted in reverse order of dates of birth.
    monotonicity: Monotonicity.WEAKLY_DECREASING,
    projection: user => user.dateOfBirth.getTime()
    users: User[]
    // Ensure the array is sorted in ascending order, allowing duplicates.
    monotonicity: Monotonicity.WEAKLY_INCREASING
    numbers: number[]

    // Ensure the array is sorted by user id in descending order, allowing no duplicates.
    monotonicity: Monotonicity.STRICTLY_DECREASING,
    projection: user => user.id
    users: User[]

    // Same as above, but using a comparator.
    monotonicity: Monotonicity.STRICTLY_DECREASING,
    comparator: (a, b) => b.id - a.id
    users: User[]

    Type Parameters

    • T = unknown

      The type of the array elements.


    • options: ArrayMonotonicOptions<T> & ValidationOptions

      Accepts the following options (in addition to generic class-validator options):

      • monotonicity: Monotonicity The required ordering of the array.
      • projection?: (element) => number (mutually exclusive with comparator) Project an array element to a number which is then used for comparison.
      • comparator?: (a, b) => number (mutually exclusive with projection) Directly compare two elements (as in Array.sort).

      If neither projection nor comparator is given, the values are compared ordinally.

    Returns PropertyDecorator